Software Map Project List (18201 / 60554 ...)

Unix Group Name Group Name Description Download
elmer(freshmeat) elmer Elmer allows Python code to run from C or Tcl a... DOWNLOAD
dirdiff(freshmeat) dirdiff dirdiff is a graphical tool to display the diff... DOWNLOAD
dprog(freshmeat) DPROG DPROG is a domain-specific language for specify... DOWNLOAD
pwcrypt(freshmeat) pwcrypt pwcrypt is a command line interface to the cryp... DOWNLOAD
photon_project(freshmeat) photon project Photon is a tool to manage images with a HTML s... DOWNLOAD
nis-pg-sync(freshmeat) NIS-Pg-Sync NIS-Pg-Sync is a simple script to synchronise P... DOWNLOAD
bgl(freshmeat) Boten GNU/Linux Boten GNU/Linux is intended for home users and ... DOWNLOAD
klokka(freshmeat) Klokka Klokka is a simple graphical clock. It should w... DOWNLOAD
netfifo(freshmeat) Network FIFO Network FIFO is an attempt to provide access to... DOWNLOAD
cdshare(freshmeat) CD Share CD Share is a CD-ROM share manager, designed to... DOWNLOAD
morphine(freshmeat) Morphine Morphine is a medical calculator for the Sharp ... DOWNLOAD
documentclassifier(freshmeat) Document Classifier Document Classifier is an application that per... DOWNLOAD
kmyirc(freshmeat) KMyIRC KMyIRC is an attempt to provide an IRC client f... DOWNLOAD
servlettesting(freshmeat) ServletTesting The ServletTesting project provides a unit tes... DOWNLOAD
tara(freshmeat) TARA Tiger Analytical Research Assistant (TARA) is a... DOWNLOAD
framer(freshmeat) framer framer is an X11 program which is capable of co... DOWNLOAD
db-backed(freshmeat) db-backed db-backed is a Ruby library providing a conveni... DOWNLOAD
vgatron(freshmeat) VGATron VGATron is yet another clone of the well-known ... DOWNLOAD
c2newsletter(freshmeat) C2::Newsletter C2::Newsletter is a simple tool for sending new... DOWNLOAD
jrnull(freshmeat) Jrnull Jrnull tracks time and extracts it for reportin... DOWNLOAD
simpletemplate(freshmeat) SimpleTemplate SimpleTemplate is a fairly fast and relatively ... DOWNLOAD
sendsnpp(freshmeat) SendSNPP SendSNPP is a program for sending messages thro... DOWNLOAD
prass(freshmeat) Project Assistant The Project Assistant (prass) is a Web tool des... DOWNLOAD
babelkit(freshmeat) BabelKit BabelKit is an interface to a universal multili... DOWNLOAD
gnome-cherokee(freshmeat) GNOME Cherokee GNOME Cherokee is a Web server applet for the G... DOWNLOAD
kurd(freshmeat) Kurd KDE Universal Remote Desktop (Kurd) has the goa... DOWNLOAD
gtkmaggot(freshmeat) gtkMaggot gtkMaggot is an improved Tron game, easy to pla... DOWNLOAD
taruli(freshmeat) Taruli Taruli is a small concentration game. DOWNLOAD
xaw3d(freshmeat) Xaw3d Xaw3d is a general-purpose replacement for the ... DOWNLOAD
inhunmi(freshmeat) Inhunmi Inhunmi is POS, Delivery, Contact, and Stock Co... DOWNLOAD
egnomeicu(freshmeat) E-GnomeICU E-GnomeICU is an enlightenment epplet for contr... DOWNLOAD
reportmagic(freshmeat) Report Magic Report Magic is an add-on for Analog, a Web sit... DOWNLOAD
xps(freshmeat) xps xps dynamically displays in an X Window the Uni... DOWNLOAD
xdmchoose(freshmeat) XDM-Choose XDM-Choose is a replacement chooser for XDM, wh... DOWNLOAD
kpasswdcgi(freshmeat) kpasswd.cgi kpasswd.cgi is a CGI implementation of the kpas... DOWNLOAD
tabula-musica(freshmeat) Tabula-Musica Tabula-Musica is a "swiss knife" juke... DOWNLOAD
printquota(freshmeat) printquota Printquota is a printing service quota tracking... DOWNLOAD
tulka(freshmeat) Tulka Whiteboard Tulka is a Java-based communication tool design... DOWNLOAD
eob(freshmeat) Enterprise Object Broker Enterprise Object Broker (EOB) is an applicatio... DOWNLOAD
avalon(freshmeat) Avalon Avalon is Apache's Java Server Framework projec... DOWNLOAD
pari(freshmeat) PARI/GP PARI/GP is a package aimed at efficient computa... DOWNLOAD
webmlist(freshmeat) webmlist webmlist is a Web mailing list archive system w... DOWNLOAD
remoteinstall(freshmeat) Remoteinstall Remoteinstall helps you install packages on OS ... DOWNLOAD
mcore(freshmeat) In Memory Core Dump In Memory Core Dump uses system memory to save ... DOWNLOAD
debian-ham(freshmeat) Debian-Ham Debian-Ham is a floppy distribution specificall... DOWNLOAD
html2hdml(freshmeat) html2hdml Html2hdml is a HTML to HDML (Handheld Device Ma... DOWNLOAD
betna(freshmeat) Bikkuruinen Etna - Betty Etna Betna is a game where you protect your volcano ... DOWNLOAD
magicsquare(freshmeat) magicSquare magicSquare is inspired by a game played on a H... DOWNLOAD
kalyp(freshmeat) Kalyp Kalyp is a fantasy-based roguelike game written... DOWNLOAD
mrgrid(freshmeat) MrGrid MrGrid is a MR file analyser for statistical su... DOWNLOAD
getmap(freshmeat) Getmap Getmap is a Python program to retrieve maps fro... DOWNLOAD
filefarm(freshmeat) phpFileFarm phpFileFarm is a Web site support tool/director... DOWNLOAD
bilbo(freshmeat) Bilbo Bilbo is a PHP frontend to run scans using the ... DOWNLOAD
jrevproxy(freshmeat) jRevProxy jRevProxy is a lightweight reverse proxy server... DOWNLOAD
fract-o-rama(freshmeat) Fract-O-Rama Fract-O-Rama is a Qt-based fractal generation p... DOWNLOAD
popsneakerconfig(freshmeat) popsneakerconfig popsneakerconfig allows you to comfortably mana... DOWNLOAD
jaimlib(freshmeat) Jaim Jaim is a Java library that implements the AOL ... DOWNLOAD
classjabberphp(freshmeat) Class.Jabber.PHP Class.Jabber.PHP is a class which you can use t... DOWNLOAD
memorychecker(freshmeat) Nitro Technologies Memory Checker Nitro Technologies Memory Checker makes trackin... DOWNLOAD
man2web(freshmeat) man2web man2web converts man (manual) pages to HTML via... DOWNLOAD
openvl(freshmeat) Open Volume Library The OpenVL library is a framework for working ... DOWNLOAD
rend(freshmeat) Rend Rend is a daemon that will automatically renice... DOWNLOAD
pixilate(freshmeat) pixiliate Pixilate is a commandline packet generation uti... DOWNLOAD
buddhaiq(freshmeat) buddhaIq buddhaIq is a Java instant messaging client lib... DOWNLOAD
lazy(freshmeat) Lazy Lazy is a console-based CD player with freedb s... DOWNLOAD
gnometab(freshmeat) Gnometab Gnometab aims to be a WYSIWYG guitar tablature ... DOWNLOAD
mxp(freshmeat) Mandelbrot Explorer Mxp (Mandelbrot explorer) is an X Window System... DOWNLOAD
randim(freshmeat) Randim Randim is an amazing fractal generator. It gene... DOWNLOAD
pybackend(freshmeat) PyBackend PyBackend is a Python module which provides obj... DOWNLOAD
tum(freshmeat) Tapir User Manager Tapir User Manager provides all of the user man... DOWNLOAD
lplants(freshmeat) LPLANTS Lplants is a fractal generator written in C and... DOWNLOAD
ashpool_fm(freshmeat) Ashpool XML Database Ashpool is a lightweight XML Database written i... DOWNLOAD
rsapi(freshmeat) RSApi Rosetta Stone API aims to create a programming ... DOWNLOAD
jwma(freshmeat) jwma jwma is a Web mail implementation based on the ... DOWNLOAD
magic_notebook(freshmeat) The Magic Notebook The Magic Notebook is a CGI script which allows... DOWNLOAD
emacswiki(freshmeat) EmacsWiki EmacsWiki gives you quick access to a hypertext... DOWNLOAD
emrem(freshmeat) Email Reminders Email Reminders is a combination of scripts - a... DOWNLOAD
cla(freshmeat) Courier Log Analyzer Courier Log Analyzer is a log analysis tool for... DOWNLOAD
xchg2mail(freshmeat) xchg2mail xchg2mail is a Perl script that scrapes Web ma... DOWNLOAD
gasm(freshmeat) gasm GASM is a very reliable, fast and stable assemb... DOWNLOAD
ulog(freshmeat) Ulog Ulog enables you to list past and present X11 s... DOWNLOAD
asukphpftp(freshmeat) PHP FTP Client PHP FTP Client is an FTP client that is useful ... DOWNLOAD
pdonkeys(freshmeat) pDonkey Server pDonkeyS is Perl implementation of an eDonkey s... DOWNLOAD
netpisteur(freshmeat) NetPisteur NetPisteur is a Web browser that includes power... DOWNLOAD
suckmt(freshmeat) SuckMT SuckMT is a multithreaded replacement for suck ... DOWNLOAD
phpwslistings(freshmeat) phpwsListings phpwsListings is a PHPWebSite (>= 0.9.1) mod... DOWNLOAD
sfzrpg(freshmeat) StressFreeZone RPG StressFreeZone RPG is a multiplatform RPG syste... DOWNLOAD
eddi(freshmeat) Eddi Eddi is a powerful and easy-to-use text editor ... DOWNLOAD
jjcl(freshmeat) The JarJar ClassLoader The JarJar ClassLoader is a custom class loader... DOWNLOAD
murasaki(freshmeat) murasaki Murasaki automatically loads and unloads module... DOWNLOAD
camsource(freshmeat) Camsource Camsource is a modularized and multithreaded da... DOWNLOAD
dnsreflector(freshmeat) dnsreflector The dnsreflector daemon listens for DNS queries... DOWNLOAD
wboss(freshmeat) WBOSS WBOSS is a Web-based spell checker that when ru... DOWNLOAD
galan(freshmeat) gAlan gAlan is an audio-processing tool for X Windows... DOWNLOAD
cflow2vcg(freshmeat) Cflow2VCG Cflow2vcg converts the result of the cflow util... DOWNLOAD
spammilt(freshmeat) spammilt Spammilt is a sendmail-milter which scans email... DOWNLOAD
libmpc8xx(freshmeat) MPC8XX Debugging Library The MPC8XX Debugging Library lets you debug MPC... DOWNLOAD
wmwork(freshmeat) wmwork wmwork provides a monitor on a 64x64 mini windo... DOWNLOAD
wmpuzzle(freshmeat) wmpuzzle wmpuzzle provides a 4x4 puzzle on a 64x64 mini ... DOWNLOAD
re(freshmeat) RealizationEngine Group Communicator The RealizationEngine is designed from the grou... DOWNLOAD

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