wview is an application that controls a supported weather station to retrieve archive records and current conditions. Archive records may optionally be stored in a relational database (MySQL or PostgreSQL). At a user-defined interval, wview will use the archive history and current conditions to generate weather images (buckets and graphs) and Web pages based on configurable HTML templates. It supports serial and USB data loggers, as well as connectivity with a terminal server or serial server via TCP sockets.
Related ProjectsGSFinder+ for W-ZERO3, MeCab, UltraMonkey-L7, gpx2shp, Dumpper v.60.3 |
GNU CLISP is an ANSI Common Lisp implementation with an interpreter, compiler, debugger, object system (CLOS, MOP), sockets, fast bignums, arbitrary precision floats, and a foreign language interface that runs on most Unix variants and Win32.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, MPC-BE, OpenKEEPS, Decimal BASIC Open Source Project, MeCab |
Mathomatic is a portable, general-purpose computer algebra system (CAS) that can solve, differentiate, simplify, combine, and compare algebraic equations, perform standard, complex number, modular, and polynomial arithmetic, etc. It does some calculus and is very easy to compile/install, learn, and use. The symbolic math application with a simple command-line interface is designed to be a colorful algebra calculator that is reliable, responsive, and convenient to use. The symbolic math library is lightweight and easy to include in other software, due to being written entirely in C with no additional dependencies.
Related ProjectsProgramming Language ADP, Wrj4P5, Win32 Disk Imager, Dumpper v.60.3, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
Wandora is a general purpose data extraction, management, and publishing application based on Topic Maps and Java. Wandora has a graphical user interface, layered presentation of knowledge, several data storage options, rich data extraction, import and export capabilities, and an embedded HTTP server that enables dynamic publication of Topic Maps. Wandora is well suited for rapid ontology construction and knowledge mashups.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, MeCab, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, RoboCup tools, gpx2shp |
Gpsdrive is a map-based navigation system. It displays your position on a zoomable map provided from a NMEA-capable GPS receiver. The maps are autoselected for the best resolution, depending of your position, and the displayed image can be zoomed. Maps can be downloaded from the Internet with one mouse click. The program provides information about speed, direction, bearing, arrival time, actual position, and target position. Speech output is also available.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, XiaomiFirmwareUpdater, Freeverb3VST, MPC-BE, Kasumi |
DataCleaner is a data quality analysis tool that allows you to perform data profiling, validating, and minor ETL-like tasks. These activities help you administer and monitor your data quality in order to ensure that your data is useful and applicable to your business situation. It can be used for master data management (MDM) methodologies, data warehousing projects, statistical research, preparation for extract-transform-load activities, and more.
Related ProjectsMeCab, MPC-BE, phpGroupWare Japanese Project, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, gpx2shp |
Botan is a crypto library written in C++. It provides a variety of cryptographic algorithms, including common ones such as AES, MD5, SHA, HMAC, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, DSA, and ECDSA, as well as many others that are more obscure or specialized. It also offers SSL/TLS (client and server), X.509v3 certificates and CRLs, and PKCS #10 certificate requests. A message processing system that uses a filter/pipeline metaphor allows for many common cryptographic tasks to be completed with just a few lines of code. Assembly and SIMD optimizations for common CPUs offers speedups for critical algorithms like AES and SHA-1.
Related ProjectsPeaZip, Amateras, SlunkCrypt, SmillaEnlarger, Properties Editor |
JGraph is a free, mature, and robust Java diagramming library. It contains all the graph visualization, layout, and interaction functionality you might expect in a graph library, including multiple views, layering, zoom, drag and drop, undo, automatic expanding and collapsing, routing, and layouts. You can create workflow editors, BPMN, CAD tools, network diagrams, database visualization tools, and more. It is fully documented, including examples, and has an active support community.
Related ProjectsMeCab, TERASOLUNA Framework, SharpDevelop-jp, MPC-BE, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema |
The Mars Simulation Project is an open source Java project to create a simulation of a future human settlement on the planet Mars.
Related ProjectsDumpper v.60.3, OpenKEEPS, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, gpx2shp, Freeverb3VST |
Open Computer Vision Libraryには、リアルタイムなコンピュータビジョンのための500個以上のアルゴリズム、文書、およびサンプルコードがあります。チュートリアル文書はO'Reilly Bookにあります:Learning OpenCV http://www.amazon.com/Learning-OpenCV-Computer-Vision-Library/dp/0596516134
Related ProjectsMeCab, Screen Reader NVDA Japanese, MPC-BE, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Julius |
Enable Viacam (eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a Web camera. No additional hardware is required. It is based on the award winning Facial Mouse software.
Social Networks Visualizer (SocNetV) is a flexible and user-friendly tool for the analysis and visualization of Social Networks. It lets you construct mathematical graphs with a few clicks on a virtual canvas, load networks of various formats (GraphViz, GraphML, Adjacency, Pajek, UCINET, etc), or create a network by crawling all links in a Web page. The application can compute basic network properties, such as density, diameter, and distances (shortest path lengths), as well as more advanced structural statistics, such as node and network centralities (i.e. closeness, betweenness, graph), clustering coefficient, etc.
Related ProjectsWrj4P5, MPC-BE, Decimal BASIC Open Source Project, MeCab, Samurai Graph |
GeoTools is a GIS toolkit that is used for OGC-based projects via GeoAPI interfaces. It includes two great SLD based renderers and tools for raster access and reprojection as well as plugins for Shapefile, ArcGrid, ArcSDE, Postgis, OracleSpatial, MySQL, and many more.
Related ProjectsMPC-BE, SharpDevelop-jp, Separate+, Properties Editor, GLOBALBASE PROJECT |
Thinknowlogy is grammar-based software, designed to utilize the Natural Laws of Intelligence in grammar, in order to create intelligence through natural language in software. This is demonstrated by programming in natural language, reasoning in natural language and drawing conclusions (more advanced than scientific solutions), making assumptions (with self-adjusting level of uncertainty), asking questions (about gaps in the knowledge), and detecting conflicts in the knowledge. It builds semantics autonomously (with no vocabularies or words lists), detecting some cases of semantic ambiguity. It is multi-grammar, proving that Natural Laws of Intelligence are universal.
Related ProjectsDarik's Boot and Nuke, Freeverb3VST, SmillaEnlarger, gpx2shp, UniDic |
Vega Strike is a Linux action space simulator designed to bring 3d space combat to a whole new level of graphics, gameplay, and customizability.
Related ProjectsMedia Player Classic - Home Cinema, GLOBALBASE PROJECT, Separate+, MeCab, KancolleSniffer |